
Portsmouth · 充滿活力的海邊城市 

By  Tung

:flag_gb: 4 月份我們收到比較多的查詢,很多香港家庭也在計劃暑假期間移居到英國,我們整個團隊正在全力協助 :muscle:

South Parade Pier, Southsea, Portsmouth, UK

:grinning: 除了熱門地區外,當中有部份香港家庭都希望找一些其他區域,避免學位及租屋上激烈競爭。今次就帶大家去一個海邊城市 Portsmouth :anchor:

South Parade Pier, Southsea, Portsmouth, UK

:anchor: Portsmouth 位處南方,是一個充滿活力的城市。市內有很多工作機會,IT, Logistics, Engineering 等行業都頗興旺。這裏亦有濃厚的創業文化,適合想開創一番事業的香港人 :sunglasses:

:woman_student: 學校方面,校風比較純樸,State School / Independent School 都有很多選擇 :orange_heart:

Canoe lake, Southsea, Portsmouth, UK

:exploding_head: 仲未揀好落腳點? 歡迎搵我地傾下,我地可以按您們的情況,係租樓、入學、就業等方面俾 D 意見 :handshake:

Apartments and Houses, Seafront, Southsea, Portsmouth, UK

#英國租樓 #lifeinuk #移民英國 #BNOVisa #Hampshire #Portsmouth

Sea Front Apartments, Southsea, Portsmouth, UK

:point_down: 想緊貼移居英國資訊?馬上免費訂閱我們的 Newsletter :point_down:



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About the Author

Tung Cheng has relocated from Hong Kong to the UK herself. Her combined experiences in both Hong Kong and the UK, along with her expertise as a digital marketer now makes her insights a valuable resource to a growing audience of Hong Kongers wishing to make the same transition to the UK.


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