Customer Relocation Stories of HK – UK

Each family, each Individual, has their own unique relocation and immigration to the UK story

We are very grateful to many of our customers who share their UK relocation, UK immigration and settlement experiences with us. They are about major events in the lives of individuals and families - people who are bravely establishing new lives in a new land. Their stories tell a  tremendous tale.

Jack and his family first started their property search before they knew about the services offered by HK UK Support. They found one property, and were about to sign the tenancy agreement when the landlord pulled out - right at the last minute! While not being aware of all the UK legal procedures (which are different to HK), suddenly Jack and his family were in a very difficult position. They contacted us and we helped them recover their holding deposit, eventually finding them a great new rental home. The process was like a rollercoaster ride for them!  They're very pleased with our services and said this…

"Thank you very much for your help 🙇♂ I would like to say that your team is very helpful ... It is very cold today, but the sky is beautiful and no rain. really a good day for us 😀 . Thank you very much for your team. your team helps us a lot for moving in UK"

Billy and his family were looking forward to arriving in the UK. They had one particular school in mind for their children and wanted to live within 0.5 miles of that school. It is a very popular area, with much competition for the very few rental properties available. Billy found it very difficult to rent one in time for their UK arrival. He asked us for  help finding a property, and we started our searches and negotiations straight away. We inspected and filmed a number of properties, sending the videos to Billy, eventually finding the ideal one. On 17th March 2022, they landed at Heathrow airport and went to the property straight away. It is hard to describe their excitement and joyfulness. Message from Billy’s family on the day they arrived:
"Thank you Stephen and the team! Beautiful weather today and my kids are really excited!"

Contacted HK UK Support when we were still in HK, they helped us to settle down everything including a new home, all the UK accounts, my husband’s business, and even the driving penalty that I received when I first drove in the UK. Now my girls both attend to outstanding schools, my pet is here with us and we all starting a fresh new life. I also referred my friends to use their services, now we have a big friend group in Reading.
Thanks Garrick, Cindy and HK UK Support team!

Bobo family - From Hong Kong to Reading

We found HK UK Support through Facebook and found out they could help us rent a UK property and settle in Manchester. We ran a business in Hong Kong and had no time to find a property and organise our settlement before we arrived in Manchester. Anita and the team took care of all our issues and found us the perfect apartment for an amazing price ready for when we arrived. 

It was really so convenient and we are grateful to Anita for all her help!

Ada and Nina - From Hong Kong to Manchester

Garrick has been there for us whatever we need. Garrick and his team have helped us from planning our journey, arranging our shipping, securing a property, preparing us for new jobs in the UK, finding a suitable local church and help get a school place for our son. Now we are in the UK, they are helping and guiding us through all the challenges we are coming up against. We are ready and prepared for our UK life with everything settled already.
Thank you to Garrick & his team, we hope you can continue to support our family into the future.

Stephen, Yannis and Matthew - From Hong Kong to Manchester

We were in a rush to find a rental home to stay in London, Garrick gave us lots of help and local advice, we moved in really quickly because he knows the landlord, who is also very nice, and lets us stay there with a good deal. Garrick is very reliable and knows everything about my area in Earl’s Court, in fact he knows so much about London.
We feel lucky that all things are sorted with their support. Million thanks!

Henry Family - From Hong Kong to London

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