大家好 今日同大家分享一下係英國揸車要注意事項
Hello everyone Today I would like to share some tips for driving in the UK
(Scroll down for English version)【車牌 (駕駛執照)】
Ref: https://www.gov.uk/exchange-foreign-driving-licence/y/yes/car-or-motorcycle/a-designated-country-countries-with-exchange-agreements-with-great-britain/hong-kong
香港入油站,都會有人 serve,但係英國就要自助啦。電油車最緊要唔好入錯油渣。通常綠色係電油,灰色係油渣。 油站通常都會提供洗車用的水槍及呔泵,不過全部都係收費既,GBP 1-2 用幾分鐘。
冬天時玻璃會結霜,開車前可以用細膠鏟處理一下,如果唔係上車會乜都睇唔到。 氣溫低時,要留意呔氣,可能要加一加氣。
呢3個選擇各有好處、壞處。 【新車】一定好好,不過貴同埋折舊快,揸一年後價值已經跌好多。 【2手車】就最怕整,英國有些區域公共交通唔太完善,揸車係好重要。萬一車有事,要等幾日都好唔方便。 【租車】都有好處,車保同保養都有人代勞,萬一車有事,通常會有後備車提供。不過,一般 Avis, Eurocar 租車公司,因為做遊客生意為主,長租唔化算。反而英國本土有 D 長租服務 (lease car),好適合初到埗半年或者一年用。
Hello everyone Today I would like to share some tips for driving in the UK
【Driving License】
If you have a valid Hong Kong driving license, you could exchange for an official UK driving license after living in the UK for over 185 days.
Ref: https://www.gov.uk/exchange-foreign-driving-licence/y/yes/car-or-motorcycle/a-designated-country-countries-with-exchange-agreements-with-great-britain/hong-kong
【Gas Station】
In Hong Kong, most of the gas stations are served by someone. But in the UK, most of the gas stations are self-served! Usually, green is for petrol and grey is for diesel. Just remember not to mix them up. Tyre pumping and car washing service are usually provided in the station. Charge would be GBP 1-2 per minute.
In winter, window shield may be frozen with a layer of ice. Use a small plastic spade to clean them off before driving. Under low temperature environment, remember to check your tyre pressure. It usually needs extra inflation.
Some car insurance providers will only accept UK driving license holder. Please get quotes from a few more providers so as to get a reasonable price.
【New Car, Used Car or Rental Car?】
All 3 choices shall have their Pros & Cons.
New Car must be nice but it depreciates significantly in the first year.
For used car, the major risk is broken down. Especially if you are not living in the major cities, your car will be your essential transportation.
Rental car could also be a good choice. Usually, rental company will arrange all documents and insurance for you. They will also provide backup car in case of any broken down situation. If you could find some “long-lease” car plan, it will be more cost effective.
Should you have any questions about driving or car rental, please feel free to contact us
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